• 论文 •    


刘  敏,严隽薇,王  坚   

  1. 同济大学 CIMS研究中心,上海  200092
  • 收稿日期:2004-11-22 修回日期:2005-03-07 出版日期:2006-02-15 发布日期:2006-02-25
  • 基金资助:

WS-Resource based inter-operation framework for dynamic workflow

LIU Min,YAN Jun-wei,WANG Jian   

  1. CIMS Research Cent., Tongji Univ., Shanghai  200092, China
  • Received:2004-11-22 Revised:2005-03-07 Online:2006-02-15 Published:2006-02-25
  • Supported by:
    Project supported by the Natioual Key Technologies R&D Program,China(No.2005BA908B10)and the Shanghai S&T Development Fund,China(No.05dz05810).

摘要: 为解决构建在Microsoft.net、通用对象请求代理体系结构和J2EE平台上工作流应用的互操作问题,实现分布异构环境的集成,提出了基于Web服务与资源模型的动态工作流互操作框架。基于网格服务技术的Web服务与资源模型,将Web服务作为工作流机原子级的调用单元,以基于可扩展标记语言的简单对象访问协议消息为工作流底层通信机制,屏蔽了系统的异构性,并通过Web服务与资源模型容器管理工作流机的消息队列、事务、系统维护、故障恢复和可靠性执行;互操作框架构建了支持企业间集成的全局工作流机、支持企业内异构平台集成的工作流机、企业内同一平台下的工作流机等3个工作流层次,以解决动态联盟内异构工作流机的动态互操作性。

关键词: Web服务, 网格服务, Web服务与资源模型, 工作流

Abstract: To solve the inter-operation of the workflow engines running on the Microsoft.net, CORBA and J2EE platforms and realize the integration of the distributed and heterogeneous enterprise application systems, the inter-operation framework for dynamic workflow was presented based on the WS-Resource mode. As for WS-Resource mode, the grid services and web services were regarded as the atomic call unit, and the XML-based SOAP-message was adopted as the communication mechanism at bottom level of workflow so as to solve heterogeneous applications. Message queue, transaction, maintenance and failure rollback of the workflow engine were managed by the WS-Resource container. Finally, in the inter-operation framework of the workflow engines, the three-tier workflow mode was constructed including global workflow engine oriented to cross-enterprise integration, local workflow engine oriented to interior-enterprise heterogeneous platform integration and local workflow engine oriented to the same platform within an enterprise.

Key words: web service, grid service, WS-Resource mode, workflow
