• 论文 •    



  1. 哈尔滨工业大学 CAD/CAM研究所,黑龙江  哈尔滨  150001
  • 收稿日期:2005-02-28 修回日期:2005-05-24 出版日期:2006-04-15 发布日期:2006-04-25
  • 基金资助:

Research on MAS-based multi-project production scheduling system

LI Jing-hua,LIU Wen-jian,JIN Tian-guo   

  1. CAD/CAM Research Cent., Harbin Inst. of Tech., Harbin  150001, China
  • Received:2005-02-28 Revised:2005-05-24 Online:2006-04-15 Published:2006-04-25
  • Supported by:
    Project supported by the Commission of Science Technology and Industry for National Defense Research Project, China(No. 20030119).

摘要: 生产调度系统是多型号产品生产中的关键环节。为适应军工生产企业对生产调度系统的新要求,提出了基于多智能体技术,构筑多型号生产调度系统。首先,给出了多型号产品生产计划调度运行模式;然后,建立了基于多智能体的多型号生产调度系统模型,设计了相应的智能体的模型结构。为了解决调度冲突,将智能体之间的协商过程分为主控协商和自主协商2级协商,并给出了协商机制和相应的算法策略。最后,给出了基于Web环境的系统实现体系结构。

关键词: 型号产品, 多型号调度, 多智能体, 协商机制

Abstract: Production planning and scheduling system plays a key role in multi-project production. In order to address the special requirements of multi-project production in aerospace and military industry, a multi-project production scheduling system was proposed based on distributed Multi-Agent System (MAS). Firstly, the operation mode of multi-project production scheduling was provided. Secondly, the hybrid framework of MAS-based multi-project production scheduling system was presented and the function structures of the Agents were designed in detail. Furthermore, a negotiation-based multi-project planning and control mechanism was developed to resolve conflicts among these distributed Agents and the corresponding negotiation scheme and algorithm strategies were also provided. Finally, an implementation system architecture was developed based on the Web platform.

Key words: roject product, multi-project production scheduling
