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  1. 清华大学精密仪器与机械学系,北京100084
  • 出版日期:2002-07-15 发布日期:2002-07-25

Two Application Modes for Concurrency of Concurrent Engineering

HE Yu-chen, WANG Xian-kui, LIU Cheng-ying, LI Hai-feng   

  1. Dept. of Precision Instrument and Mechanics,Tsinghua Univ., Beijing 100084, China
  • Online:2002-07-15 Published:2002-07-25

摘要: 活动是产品开发流程的基本单元,研究其属性和描述模型是开展并行工程等产品开发模式技术研究的主要基础。本文提出一种从资源、技术和过程三个角度描述其属性的三维度活动模型,并通过对活动属性的分析,讨论并行工程中的两种并行实现模式,即在产品设计阶段,统筹考虑产品全生命周期要求的并行设计和在产品开发过程中通过信息预发布支持,并由任务状态模型控制的活动并行。

关键词: 并行工程, 活动模型, 产品开发

Abstract: As the activity is the fundamental element of product development process, the property of it decide the realization mode of Concurrent Engineering(CE). A three-dimension activity model is proposed which is composed of three aspects: resource, process and technology. From the analysis of the 3-D activity model, two application mode of concurrency for CE are discussed. The first is the concurrent design which effects in the design stage, and the second is the dynamical activity concurrence based on the pre-released information from the task state model which effects in the product development process.

Key words: concurrent engineering, activity model, product development
