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  1. 清华大学自动化系国家CIMS工程技术研究中心,北京100084
  • 出版日期:2003-01-15 发布日期:2003-01-25

Resource Discovery in Context of Internet-based Manufacturing

YANG Tao, WANG Yun-li, XIAO Tian-yuan,ZHANG Lin-xuan   

  1. National CIMS ERC, Dept. of Automation, Tsinghua Univ., Beijing100084, China
  • Online:2003-01-15 Published:2003-01-25

摘要: 重点研究了ASP方式下的制造资源发现问题。明确了服务发现协议中的关键问题,分析比较了各种典型服务发现协议Salutation、蓝牙SDP、Jini、UPnP、SLP和UDDI等,得出了Jini适合于ASP方式下的P2P制造资源共享的结论。考虑到Jini和Web具有很强的互补性,提出了一种将Web和Jini相结合的制造资源共享体系结构,为ASP方式下集中和P2P两种模式的制造资源共享提供了一种集成的资源发现方法。

关键词: 网络化制造, 资源共享, 服务发现, Jini

Abstract: This paper is focused on the manufacturing resource discovery under ASP. The key issues in Service Discovery Protocol(SDP) are identified. Jini is considered to be the best candidate for P2P manufacturing resource sharing under ASP after an in-depth analysis of the typical SDPs, including Salutation, SDP, Jini, UPnP, SLP and UDDI. As a result of the perfect complement between Web and Jini, a Web- and Jini-based resource sharing architecture is proposed, which provides an integrated approach to the centralized and P2P manufacturing resource sharing under ASP.

Key words: Internet-based manufacturing, resource sharing, service discovery, Jini
