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  1. 1.沈阳工业学院CAD/CAM技术研究与开发中心,辽宁沈阳110016;2.东北大学机械工程与自动化学院,辽宁沈阳110006
  • 出版日期:2003-09-15 发布日期:2003-09-25

Framework of Adaptive Process Integration Based on Activity Theory

ZHANG Jian-fu, HAO Yong-ping, LIU Yong-xian   

  1. 1.R & D Cent.of CAD/CAM Tech., Shenyang Inst.of Tech., Shenyang 110016, China; 2.Sch.of Mechanical Eng.& Automation, Northeastern Univ.,Shenyang110006, China
  • Online:2003-09-15 Published:2003-09-25

摘要: 依据产品开发过程的现状和特点,通过分析活动理论中的有关概念、原理及活动理论下过程集成的方法,提出了基于活动理论的过程集成体系结构。以活动理论为基础,分别阐述了过程集成的方法、过程的描述、适应性计划原理、过程的跟踪及监控显示方式等,并且给出了适应性过程管理反馈结构的框架。最后示范了在该体系下弹丸设计过程的应用情况。

关键词: 活动理论, 活动单元, 过程集成, 过程元模型

Abstract: Based on the Activity Theory, by analyzing the components of an activity and the relationship of the process integration, a framework for an adaptive process integration is presented. According to the situation and characteristic of the product development process, a number of the important issues on process integration, process description, adaptive planning principle, process tracking and process monitoring display are discussed. An adaptive process management feedback mechanism and the system architecture also are given. At last, the design instance of the pill is demonstrated.

Key words: activity theory, activity-cell, process integration, process meta-model
