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  1. 西南交通大学经济管理学院,四川成都610031
  • 出版日期:2003-11-15 发布日期:2003-11-25

Optimal Retailer’s Order Policy for Perishable Product with Demand Information Updating

CHEN Xu   

  1. Coll. of Economics & Business Administration,Southwest Jiaotong Univ., Chengdu610031, China
  • Online:2003-11-15 Published:2003-11-25

摘要: 易逝品供应链管理的一个核心问题是,零售商如何根据制造商提供的订货条件进行合理订货。研究了考虑顾客需求信息更新的易逝品的零售商订货策略,制造商通过为零售商提供两次订货机会,以实现制造商和零售商的共赢。通过对开始时刻和顾客需求信息更新后的系统进行建模和讨论,得到了在两次订货条件下零售商应该采取的最优的订货与调整策略。

关键词: 易逝品, 需求信息更新, 订货策略, 供应链管理

Abstract: One of key problems of supply chain management is that how the retailer to make an optimal order according to the manufacturers ordering condition? In this paper, the optimal retailers order policy for perishable products with demand information updating is studied. The supply chain gains co-win for both manufacturer and retailer via the manufacturer providing two ordering chances for the retailer. Based on the models for the system at the beginning time and after the demand information updating, some analysis and discussion are processed, and the optimal ordering policy that the retailer should take under the two ordering chance are proposed.

Key words: perishable product, demand information updating, order policy, supply chain management
