• 论文 •    



  1. 1.中国矿业大学计算机科学与技术系,江苏徐州221008;2.中国矿业大学信息与电气工程学院,江苏徐州221008
  • 出版日期:2001-10-15 发布日期:2001-10-25

Enterprise Information Integration System Based on Chain-Group

QIAN Xu, LIU Ying, XU Shi-fan   

  1. 1. Department of Computer Science & Technology,The China University Mining & Technology,Xuzhou221008, China;2.College of Information & Electrical Engineering The China University Mining & Technology,Xuzhou221008, China
  • Online:2001-10-15 Published:2001-10-25

摘要: 对企业信息系统集成的体系结构可从纵向和横向两方面进行研究。以纵向的观点,认为在系统的开发设计过程中,结合系统工程与软件工程引入链群的“三链”即决策链、支撑链、主链,并使其贯穿于系统开发设计过程的始终;以横向的观点,认为建立在链群上的各企业的信息集成,可以通过计算机协同工作、人工智能、数据库等技术实现,链群上的每个生产单元均是虚拟企业,它们均以计算机可以识别的信息进行描述与表示,企业的集成实际上就是这样一些信息在企业内外链群上进行动态或静态的数据集成。同时,针对任务的转换与分解、智能体系设计、数据组织与管理体系设计、人与系统的相互作用等问题,分别进行了相应的讨论。

关键词: 链群, 集成, 生产单元, 构件

Abstract: Both the longitudinal and the cross aspects are taken into consideration in the system . From the longitudinal aspect , based on the system engineering and software engineering , we import the three chains of chain-group(decision chain ,support chain and main chain), through the whole process of system development and design. From the cross aspect, we think that information integration based on the chain-group can be realized by computer cooperation , artificial intelligence, database technology and so on, each production unit is considered to be a virtual enterprise, and to be described by means of the information that computer can recognize.Some problems such as shift and decompose of a job, intelligent architecture design ,data organization and management architecture design and reciprocity of human and system are also discussed.

Key words: chain-group, integration, production unit, component
