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  1. 哈尔滨工业大学现代生产技术中心,黑龙江哈尔滨150001
  • 出版日期:2004-08-15 发布日期:2004-08-25

Assembly sequence planning based on compound assembly graph

XIE Long, FU Yi-li, MA Yu-lin   

  1. Advanced Manu. Tech. Cent., Harbin Inst. of Tech., Harbin150001, China
  • Online:2004-08-15 Published:2004-08-25

摘要: 为了构建一个有效且便于使用的装配序列规划系统,给出了一个开放式装配模型——复合装配图,以有向装配连接图表述零件之间的优先关系,利用检查有向圈、删除冗余有向边确保该图正确、简洁。在此基础上,用无向边连接没有优先关系的零件,并根据装配代价和装配可行性对有向边、无向边赋权值,得到复合装配图。将装配序列规划描述为在复合装配图中求解特殊的最优H回路,并且基于分支定界法给出了满足优先关系、装配可行性 、装配代价优化的装配顺序规划算法。最后通过实例验证了算法的有效性。

关键词: 复合装配图, H回路, 分支定界法, 装配序列规划

Abstract: To construct a system of assembly sequence planning, a compound assembly graph (CAG) model was proposed. The graph was created with four steps: establishing a directed assembly graph (DAG) to describe the precedence relations between components; keeping DAG correct and compendious by checking precedence conflict and deleting redundant information; adding undirected arcs between each pairs of parts that have no precedence relations; weighting all arcs with assembly cost and feasibility. Then, the assembly sequence planning was converted into searching a special optimal H-circle in CAG. A branch-and-bound algorithm was presented to find an optimal assembly sequence that satisfied the precedence constrains and assembly feasibility. Finally, the effectiveness of the strategy was illustrated by an example.

Key words: compound assembly, H-circle, branch-and-bound, assembly sequence plan
