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  1. 1.清华大学软件学院,北京100084;2.江苏大学计算机科学与通信工程学院,江苏镇江212013
  • 出版日期:2004-09-15 发布日期:2004-09-25

Software oriented to special domain model and architecture for enterprise information system

GUO Zhi, ZHAO Xi-bin, HE Fei, GU Ming, SUN Jia-guang   

  1. 1.Sch. of Software, Tsinghua Univ., Beijing100084, China;2.Sch. of Computer S & T, Jiangsu Univ., Zhenjiang212013, China
  • Online:2004-09-15 Published:2004-09-25

摘要: 为降低现代企业信息系统软件开发与维护的成本,首先提出了一种面向企业信息系统的软件过程模型。为支持该软件过程模型,进一步提出了一种适用于特定领域软件体系结构的企业信息系统模型,即“资源-任务-分析”模型,并给出该模型的实例。该模型采用种类转换图刻画行为特征,采用映射图刻画数据关系特征。最后,基于该企业信息系统模型,提出了一种适用于企业信息系统领域的支撑软件体系架构,及其基于J2EE平台的实现方法。实际应用表明,该软件架构有利于提高软件复用度,降低软件复杂度,从而有效降低开发与维护成本。

关键词: 特定领域软件体系结构, 企业信息系统, 系统建模, 资源-任务-分析模型

Abstract: In order to reduce the cost of development & maintenance of information systems in enterprises, a novel software process model orientd to enterprise information systeme was presented. To support this software process model, a resource-task-analysis model for domain-special software architectures was proposed. The model employed sort transition graphs and projection diagrams to characterize system behaviors and specify data relationships respectively. Based on this model, a new skeleton for enterprise information system architectures and its implementation for Java 2 enterprise edition platforms were proposed. The proposed architecture can effectively decrease the cost of development and maintenance.

Key words: domain-special software architecture, enterprise information system, system modeling, resource-task-analysis model
