• 论文 •
WANG Xue-cong,TANG Xiao-qing
摘要: 随着时代的发展,质量的概念发生了很大的变化,其判断标准由原来的符合技术标准转而成为满足顾客需求,顾客成为质量的最终判断者。对顾客满意度的评测问题是产品使用过程质量管理中的一个重要方面,越来越引起企业决策者们的关注。本文给出了顾客满意度及其影响因素的关系模型,通过对顾客群体以及满意度体系的分析,并结合实例给出了一种满意度的评测方法。
关键词: 质量管理, 使用质量, 顾客满意度, 满意度体系
Abstract: Nowadays, the understanding of quality has changed greatly, which leads the concept of quality changing from meeting technical specifications to satisfying customers` requirements. So customers become the final judges to the quality of product and service. Measuring the customer satisfaction becomes a more important part in quality management, and is concerned by more and more quality managers. This paper brings the model of the customer satisfaction and the influencing elements into quality management, and analyzes the customer groups and the measuring system of the customer satisfaction. Finally, a method to rate the customer satisfaction is introduced and an example is described.
Key words: quality management, usage quality, customer satisfaction, measuring system of the customer satisfaction, customer group
王雪聪,唐晓青. 质量管理中的顾客满意度研究[J]. .
WANG Xue-cong,TANG Xiao-qing. Research on Customer Satisfaction in Quality Management[J]. .
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