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  1. 哈尔滨工业大学机械制造及自动化系,黑龙江哈尔滨150001
  • 出版日期:2004-09-15 发布日期:2004-09-25

Open architecture CNC and its related standards

LIANG Hong-bin, WANG Yong-zhang, LI Xia   

  1. Dep. of Mechanical Eng. & Automation, Harbin Inst. of Tech., Harbin150001, China
  • Online:2004-09-15 Published:2004-09-25

摘要: 为了适应全球化竞争引发的市场的迅速变化,快速构建并重构制造系统,开放式数控系统应运而生。开放式数控系统必须遵循一系列的国际标准或行业事实标准,没有全面的国际标准就不可能有真正的开放式数控系统 。概括了开放式数控系统的结构及其接口。外部接口主要是数控系统与企业管理网的接口、与伺服系统的接口、与I/O设备的接口,以及与数控加工程序的接口;内部接口主要是系统的组件之间交换信息的接口,即应用程 序接口。阐述了对应于上述各类接口的标准和协议的具体内容,比较了SERCOS,MACRO和FireWare三种标准的主要特性,分析了接口标准的应用现状及发展趋势。研究结果表明,数字式接口将很快取代模拟接口,而SERCOS协 议将成为数字伺服接口的发展方向。

关键词: 开放结构, 数控系统, 标准, 接口

Abstract: As enterprises facing tremendous time-to-market pressures, manufacturing systems must be implemented quickly and reconfigured easily. The advent of open architecture Computer Numerical Control(CNC) is to address these challenges, while the open architecture CNC should be based on international standards and ‘de facto’ standards. There is no truly open architecture CNC if there is no related standard. The architecture and the interfaces in the open architecture CNC were summarized. Meanwhile, the standards and the protocols applied in interfaces of all sorts were described and their characteristics were presented. The advantages and disadvantages of the same kinds of standards were also compared . Finally, an overview on the current practices and the desired future of the related standards was given.

Key words: open architecture, computer numerical control, standard, interface
