计算机集成制造系统 ›› 2022, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (1): 31-42.DOI: 10.13196/j.cims.2022.01.003

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  1. 1.东南大学机械工程学院
  • 出版日期:2022-01-31 发布日期:2022-02-20
  • 基金资助:

Information expression and management approach of product assembly process model for field assembly

  • Online:2022-01-31 Published:2022-02-20
  • Supported by:
    Project supported by the National Key Research and Development Program,China(No.2018YFB1701301),the Preliminary Research Program of Equipment Development Department,China(No.41423010402,61409230103),the “Qinglan Project” Funding in Jiangsu Provincial Universities,China(2017),and the Shanghai Aerospace Science and Technology Innovation Fund,China(No.SAST2018-060).

摘要: 针对面向现场装配的工艺信息完整准确表达与高效管理的应用需求,提出以三维装配过程模型为载体实现面向现场装配的产品装配工艺模型表达与管理方法。分析了面向现场装配的产品装配工艺信息变迁特点,明确了从产品预规划装配工艺信息向现场实际装配工艺信息的实例化映射规则;定义了三维装配过程模型与装配工艺信息数据集,并确定了工艺信息在该模型上的装配工艺基于模型定义(MBD)表达方案;利用装配工艺信息层级嵌套管理模式实现了对面向现场装配的产品装配工艺信息的有效管理,并构建了装配工艺管理器进行工艺信息的组织与存储。将上述方法集成于三维装配工艺设计系统中,并以创建某型减速器产品的三维装配工艺模型为例,验证了所提方法的有效性。

关键词: 面向现场装配, 基于模型定义, 三维装配工艺, 装配工艺模型, 信息管理

Abstract: Aiming at the application requirements of complete accurate expression and efficient management of assembly process information for field assembly,an information expression and management approach of product assembly process model for field assembly was proposed by using assembly in-process model.The evolution characteristic of product assembly process information for field assembly was analyzed,and the instantiation mapping rule from pre-planning assembly process information to field assembly process information was clarified.The definitions of assembly in-process model and assembly process information data were given,and the expression scheme of assembly process model based on Model-Based Definition (MBD) was determined.The effective management of assembly process information for field assembly was realized by using the hierarchical nested management pattern of assembly process information.Furthermore,the assembly process manager was constructed for storing and managing the assembly process information.The proposed approach was integrated into a prototype Three-dimensional Computer Aided Assembly Process Planning (3D-CAAPP) system,and the effectiveness was verified by creating a three-dimensional assembly process information model of a certain type of reducer product.

Key words: field oriented assembly, model based definition, 3D assembly process, assembly process model, information management
