计算机集成制造系统 ›› 2022, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (2): 385-408.DOI: 10.13196/j.cims.2022.02.006

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  1. 1.大连交通大学机械工程学院
  • 出版日期:2022-02-28 发布日期:2022-03-10
  • 基金资助:

Dynamical design of self-adaptive high-speed bogies based on full-vehicle stability properties and variation patterns

  • Online:2022-02-28 Published:2022-03-10
  • Supported by:
    Project supported by the National Key Research and Development Program,China(No.2017YFB0304605,2017YFB1201302).

摘要: 自适应高速转向架动态设计以整车稳定性态分析图引领转向架参数优配,能够彻底消除“一次蛇行”或其他类似现象,并以十分充裕的安全稳定裕度兼顾轮对自稳定性和回转阻力矩有效性。为了满足正则摄动问题的运动一致性或模型有效性的前提条件,整车稳定软件分析流程严格遵循设计模态分析规则。为了避免正则摄动转变为奇异摄动,利用拓扑关系图不断对仿真模型进行精细化处理,并采用基于2阶差分技术的Newmark算法提高计算效率。通过两个应用案例对自适应快速/高速转向架的综合评估表明,新车状态下车体摇头轻微晃动有助于车轮踏面形成均匀磨耗,前后电机组合弹性架悬更有利于降低蛇行参振质量。

关键词: 自适应高速转向架, 整车稳定性态分析图, 安全稳定裕度, 轮对自稳定性, 回转阻力矩有效性

Abstract: The dynamical design of self-adaptive high-speed bogies instructs the optimal parameter configurations of bogies applying with analysis graphs of full-vehicle stability properties and variation patterns,so as to remove completely the primary hunting or other similar phenomena.As a result the considerations can be given to both wheelset self-stability and rotational resistance moment effectiveness with very sufficient margin for safety and stability,and the normal functions can be then played.To satisfy the prerequisite for the regular perturbation problems,i.e.motion consistency or model availability,the rules of design modal analyses must be followed strictly in the software analysis flows.To avoid being transformed to the singular perturbation problems,the simulation models were transacted through the continuous refinements.Meanwhile the calculation efficiency could be improved remarkably by taking advantages of Newmark algorithm based on the secondary order differential formulations.For the two applications of self-adaptive rapid/high-speed bogies,the comprehensive evaluations showed that slight shaking of carbody yaw motion would help to form uniform wear of wheel tread under the new-car conditions,and the elastic bogie-suspended combination of fore and rear motors would be beneficial to reduce the general mass of hunting oscillations.

Key words: self-adaptive high-speed bogies, analysis graphs of full-vehicle stability properties and variation pattern, margin for safety and stability, wheelset self-stability, rotational resistance moment effectiveness
