• 论文 •    



  1. 中山大学 信息科学与技术学院计算机科学系,广东  广州  510275
  • 出版日期:2005-08-15 发布日期:2005-08-25

Research on analyzing & controlling reconstruction of ERP system

ZHANG Li-qiu ,CHANG Hui-you, SU Wei-qiang   

  1. Zhongshan Univ., Guangzhou  510275, China
  • Online:2005-08-15 Published:2005-08-25

摘要: 为了使企业资源计划系统灵活地适应不同行业和用户个性化需求变化所引起的系统变化,提出了从功能、数据及业务流程3个基本方面的可重构性进行分析和控制。提出了基于反射式消息总线的体系结构对功能可重构性进行控制;采用了构件封装和接口描述机制对数据可重构性进行控制;利用工作流引擎执行过程模型,通过匹配模型中的节点与功能构件完成相应的流程。对于可重构性的分析和控制,可以提高企业资源计划系统对于需求变化的适应性,并支持系统重构和业务流程重组,有利于跨行业企业资源计划系统的动态建模和快速实施。

关键词: 企业资源计划, 体系结构, 可重构

Abstract: Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system should be able to adapt to the varieties of requirement flexibly. To deal with the problem, systematic variability could be divided into three main aspects: function, data and business process. A Reflective Message-Bus Based Software Architecture (RMBSA) was proposed to control function reconstruction. Component encapsulation mechanism and interface description mechanism were introduced to control data reconstruction to some degree. The workflow engine was used to run the process model, and through matching the nodes and functional components to implement the corresponding process. Studying and disposing variability could implement the reconstruction of ERP system, and support enterprise Business Process Reconstruction (BPR), which accelerated the modeling and configuration of ERP system in different industries.

Key words: Dep. of Computer Sci., Sch. of Info. Sci. & Tech., enterprise resource planning, architecture, reconstruction, component
