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Collection policy for used product in remanufacturing system

YANG Cheng-hu, LIU Hai-bo, BIAN Shan-shan   

  1. All-Trans Logistics School, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350108, China
  • Online:2012-04-15 Published:2012-04-25



  1. 福州大学 八方物流学院,福建福州350108

Abstract: Aiming at the used products which took whole remanufacturing as main use patterns in remanufacturing system, the unconstrained mixed-integer-programming collection model with single period was proposed by considering the factors such as used product's quality and the reservation collection price. The optimal collection policy of model which included collection price, collection quantity and remanufacturing cost threshold was obtained to gain maximum expected revenue. The effect of uesd products'collection quantity, collection quality, waste disposal cost and reservation collection price on optimal collection policy was analyzed by numerical simulation. The results showed that the collection price and quantity could be increased with stable collection source, and the remanufacturer's expected profit could be decreased with unit disposal cost and increased with the used product quality. Furthermore, the remanufacturer had more willingness to remanufacture but had little incentive to increase collection price for higher collection quantity based on the merely economic benefits.

Key words: remanufacturing system, collection, integer programming, reservation collection price, cost threshold

摘要: 针对再制造系统中以整体再制造为主要利用方式的废旧产品,考虑废旧产品的质量和用户心理回收价格等因素,建立了无约束混合整数规划的单周期回收模型。该模型的目标是得到一个包括回收价格、回收数量和再制造成本阈值的最优回收策略,以达到周期内期望利润最大化。通过数值仿真方法分析了潜在待回收的废旧产品数量、质量、废弃处理成本以及用户心理回收价格对最优回收策略的影响。研究表明,稳定的回收来源能够促使回收价格和回收数量的提高;再制造商的期望利润是单位废弃处理成本的减函数,且随着待回收废旧产品的质量越好而越高;另外,单纯从经济效益出发,再制造商具有较高的再制造意愿,缺乏动力提供高回收价格来提高回收数量。

关键词: 再制造系统, 回收, 整数规划, 心理回收价格, 成本阈值

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