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Customer satisfaction oriented software outsourcing service quality design method

LIU Shu, XU Xiao-fei, WANG Zhong-jie   

  1. Research Center of Intelligent Computing for Enterprises and Services, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China
  • Online:2012-04-15 Published:2012-04-25



  1. 哈尔滨工业大学 企业与服务智能计算研究中心,黑龙江哈尔滨150001

Abstract: Aiming at the quality problem of software outsourcing service, a software outsourcing service quality design method oriented to customer satisfaction was proposed. The software outsourcing service quality indicator system was built by associating customer quality requirement with customer satisfaction. With the method of Quality Function Deployment(QFD), the quality constraints were deployed and transited to different granularities of outsourcing tasks through building leveled Service House of Quality(SHoQ). Based on the outputs of SHoQ, the outsourcing resources sequencing were prioritized and selected by using Fussy Analytic Hierarchy Process(FAHP)method. A CFI based software outsourcing case was introduced to illustrate the feasibility of proposed method.

Key words: customer satisfaction, software outsourcing service, service quality design, service house of quality, analytic hierarchy process

摘要: 针对软件外包服务的质量问题,提出面向顾客满意度的软件外包服务质量设计方法。将顾客的质量需求与顾客满意度相关联,建立软件外包服务质量指标体系。将质量功能展开方法引入软件外包服务质量设计中,通过构建递阶服务质量屋,将软件开发项目的质量约束展开到外包任务粒度的质量约束。根据服务质量屋的输出,运用模糊层次分析法,对外包服务资源排序择优。通过一个基于CFI的软件外包服务案例验证了所提方法的可行性。

关键词: 顾客满意度, 软件外包服务, 质量设计, 服务质量屋, 层次分析法

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