• Article •    

High efficient approach of direct problem with extensive convergence on parallel mechanism

SUN Yong-sheng , HAN Xian-guo, CHEN Wu-yi, XIONG Jun, ZHANG Yi-gang   

  1. 1.School of Mechanism, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China; 2.Troops 95989, Chinese PLA, Beijing 100076,China
  • Online:2012-05-15 Published:2012-05-25



  1. 1.北京航空航天大学 机械工程及自动化学院,北京100191;2.中国人民解放军95989部队,北京100076

Abstract: To improve the efficiency of parallel mechanism, the irrationality of direct problem algorithm with Newton iterative method directly was disscussed by taking 3-RPS parallel mechanism as an example, and a high efficient approach to solve the forward solution of parallel mechanism based on descent method of Newtonian-type was proposed. By adjusting the flabby factor, the initial value of differential equation on parallel mechanism was solved, and by introducing the constraint conditions in work space, the precise pose of moving part with specified length was worked out. The simulation results showed that the method could get rid of the initial value constraint. It had global convergence, and could work out the result accurately.

Key words: Newton iterative method, descent iterative method of Newtonian-type, effective constraint condition, global convergence, parallel mechanism

摘要: 为提高并联机构正解的效率,以3-RPS并联机构为例,讨论了牛顿迭代法直接用于正解算法的不合理性,并基于牛顿型下降程序,提出一种求解并联机构位置正解的高效解法。该方法通过调整松弛因子,求解并联机构位姿方程的微分初值问题,通过引入符合工作空间的有效约束条件,求出指定杆长动平台的正确位姿。仿真结果表明,该方法摆脱了初值约束,算法具有全局收敛性,且计算速度快,结果准确可靠。

关键词: 牛顿迭代法, 牛顿下降型迭代法, 有效约束条件, 全局收敛, 并联机构

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