›› 2012, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (07): 0-0.


Typical characteristics, technologies and applications of cloud manufacturing

LI Bo-hu, ZHANG Lin, REN Lei, CHAI Xu-dong, TAO Fei, WANG Yong-zhi, YIN Chao, HUANG Pei, ZHAO Xin-pei,ZHOU Zu-de   

  1. 1.School of Automation Science and Electrical Engineering,Engineering Research Center of Complex Product Advanced Manufacturing Systems,Ministry of Education, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China;2.Beijing Simulation Center, Beijing 100854, China;3.China CNR Co., Ltd., Beijing 100078, China;4.Institute of Manufacturing Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400030, China; 5.Dongguan HUST Insititue of Mechanical Engineering, Dongguan 523808, China; 6.Beijing NDTech Co., Ltd., Beijing 1
  • Online:2012-07-25 Published:2012-07-25


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  1. 1.北京航空航天大学 自动化科学与电气工程学院 复杂产品先进制造系统教育部工程研究中心,北京100191;2.北京仿真中心,北京100854;3.中国北车股份有限公司,北京100078;4.重庆大学 制造工程研究所,重庆400030;5.东莞华中科技大学 制造工程研究院,广东东莞523808;6.北京恩维协同科技有限公司,北京100020;7.武汉理工大学 机电工程学院,湖北武汉430070

Abstract: Based on the practices of Cloud Manufacturing(CMfg)'s theory, technology, and engineering applications, a further discussion on the meaning of CMfg was conducted. The typical technical characteristics of CMfg were proposed, which included things networking, virtualization, service, collaboration, and intelligence of manufacturing resources and capability to achive whole life-circle smart manufacturing. The relationships between CMfg, cloud computing and manufacturing informatization were analyzed. On the basis of analyzing the typical technical characteristics of CMfg, the technology systems and key technologies to support technical realization were discussed. Four ongoing typical applications towards large-scale corporations and small and medium-size enterprises were presented respectively, and suggestions for further development of CMfg were given.

Key words: cloud manufacturing, cloud computing, Internet of things, manufacturing cloud, manufacturing capability, servilization, virtualization, manufacturing informatization

摘要: 在近两年来云制造理论研究、技术攻关、工程实施与应用示范的实践基础上,进一步讨论云制造的内涵,提出云制造的典型技术特征,即在数字化的基础上,具有硬软制造资源和制造能力的“物联化、虚拟化、服务化、协同化、智能化”,以实现全生命周期制造的智慧化;进而分析了云制造与制造信息化和云计算的关系。基于对云制造典型技术特征的分析,进一步讨论了支持这些特征实现的技术体系与关键技术;给出了正在实施的面向集团企业和中小企业的四个典型案例,最后对云制造的进一步工作提出几点建议。

关键词: 云制造, 云计算, 物联网, 制造云, 制造能力, 服务化, 虚拟化, 制造业信息化

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