• Article •    

Cooperation concept and implementation of cloud manufacturing

TAI De-yi, XU Fu-yuan, HU Wei   

  1. 1.School of Management, University of Shanghai for Science & Technology, Shanghai 200093, China;2.Key Laboratory of Machine Vision and Intelligence Control Technology, Hefei University,Hefei 230601, China
  • Online:2012-07-25 Published:2012-07-25



  1. 1.上海理工大学 管理学院,上海200093;2.合肥学院 机器视觉与智能控制技术重点实验室,安徽合肥230601

Abstract: To realize popularization and application of Cloud Manufacturing(CMfg), the cooperative thought of cloud manufacturing enterprises was analyzed, and patterns as well as steps of CMfg implementation based on cooperation was proposed. The CMfg enterprises'cooperation complexity was analyzed. With key concept of dynamic, diversity, fully open and inclusive cooperation of Supply and Demand Network of Enterprises with Multifunction and Opening Characteristics(SDN)as a guide, the cooperative characteristics of service-oriented CMfg was discussed from three-dimension of lever, function and space. The cooperation-based CMfg and Virtual Private Manufacturing Cloud(VPMC)were proposed to realize the enterprise cooperation and support the platform building of CMfg from the business operations perspective. Resource-oriented, service-oriented and innovative-oriented cooperation stages of CMfg implementation were suggested. Based on resource-oriented cooperation, CMfg platforms and application models oriented to small-medium enterprises were discussed.

Key words: cloud manufacturing, cloud computing, supply and demand network, enterprise cooperation, manufacturing informatization

摘要: 为实现云制造服务的推广应用,分析了云制造企业的合作思想,提出基于合作的云制造实现模式与分阶段实施步骤。分析了云制造企业合作的复杂性,以多功能开放型企业供需网动态网络性、多样性、充分开放性、包容性合作理念为指导,从层次、内容、空间三个维度分析基于服务来组织和实现的云制造企业合作思想。提出基于企业合作理念的云制造服务系统架构,给出虚拟私有云实现企业合作的方案,为云制造服务系统的构建提供了管理运营角度的支持。提出资源型合作、服务型合作与创新型合作理念,为云制造系统的分阶段实施提供了思路。通过案例讨论了面向中小企业、基于资源型合作的云制造服务平台应用模式。

关键词: 云制造, 云计算, 企业供需网, 企业合作, 制造业信息化

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