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Data collection and management method for discrete assembly process of complex product

WAN Feng, LIU Jian-hua, NING Ru-xin, LI Zhang-jin   

  1. Key Laboratory of Fundamental Science for Advanced Machining, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China
  • Online:2012-08-15 Published:2012-08-25



  1. 北京理工大学 先进加工技术国防重点学科实验室,北京100081

Abstract: To solve the problem of data collection and management in discrete assembly process of complex product, by introducing the workflow management technology, a process model of data collection and management based on analysis of assembly data collection flow was presented. A workflow based assembly data collection and management method was proposed, and data collection process definition, data collection process instance generation as well as data collection process control were realized. Several key technologies such as dynamic customization of collection forms, accessing and organization of heterogeneous colleted data and technology oriented data collection and management were particularly illustrated. The feasibility of proposed method was proved by actual engineering applications.

Key words: complex product, discrete assembly, data collection, process control, data management

摘要: 为解决复杂产品离散装配过程中数据采集和管理困难的问题,在分析装配数据采集业务流程的基础上,引入工作流管理技术,建立了装配数据采集和管理的过程模型,提出一种基于工作流的装配数据采集和管理方法,实现了数据采集过程定义、数据采集过程实例生成和数据采集过程控制。阐述了该方法中数据采集表格的动态定制、异构采集数据的存取和组织、面向技术问题的装配数据采集和管理等关键实现技术。通过开发的软件系统进行了工程应用,验证了该方法的可行性。

关键词: 复杂产品, 离散装配, 数据采集, 过程控制, 数据管理

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