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Supply chain decision model for product renewal based on game theory

LUO Yong, TU Beng-sheng   

  1. 1.School of Electrical Engineering, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, China;2.Department of Automation, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China
  • Online:2012-09-15 Published:2012-09-25



  1. 1.郑州大学 电气工程学院,河南郑州450001;2.南开大学 自动化系,天津300071

Abstract: To obtain the optimal decision of supply chain with renewal product,a price decision problem in product renewal supply chain constituted by one manufacturer and one retailer was studied. Aiming at the situation of renewal products and original products coexist in one supply chain, renewal products'increasing function and transfer function were built. The whole decision space was divided into four regions, and a market sale model for updated products was built based on these functions. By using this model, a Nash game model and a joint decision model for renewal product's combination pricing in two-stage supply chain were established, and the optimal strategy of products pricing as well as some properties in each region were obtained. For example, the optimal price of renewal product was higher than that of the original product in case of Nash game(non-cooperative game), but less than the sum of original price and product of renewal rate and original price; the profits increase along with the increase of the updating rate. These properties had reference significance for product renewal decision.

Key words: supply chains, renewal product, decision model, Nash game

摘要: 为获得具有更新产品的供应链的最优决策,研究了由制造商和零售商组成的产品更新供应链的价格决策问题。针对供应链中原产品和更新产品并存的情况,建立了产品更新的增量函数和转移函数,据此将整个决策空间划分为四个区域,在此基础上构建了产品更新的市场销售模型。利用该模型,建立了二级供应链中更新产品组合定价的纳什博弈模型和联合决策模型,获得了各区域的定价最优策略及一些性质:如在纳什博弈(非合作)情况下,更新产品最优定价大于原产品定价,且低于原产品定价加上原产品定价与更新率的乘积;更新率提高将使收益也增加等。以上性质对产品更新决策具有一定参考意义。

关键词: 供应链, 更新产品, 决策模型, 纳什博弈

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