• Article •    

Modeling and simulation of Kanban production system on some engine assembly line

XIAO Yan, JIA Qiu-hong, ZHOU Kang-qu, LI Yun-yun   

  1. 1.Automobile College, Chongqing University of Technology, Chongqing 400054, China;2.College of Mechanical Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, China
  • Online:2012-10-15 Published:2012-10-25



  1. 1.重庆理工大学 汽车学院,重庆400054;2.重庆大学 机械工程学院,重庆400044

Abstract: In view of low production efficiency for traditional production system on some engine assembly line, the modeling and simulation technology of assembly systems managed with kanban was studied. The Petri net model of production Kanban system was set up and converted in equivalent Markov Chain(MC), and the calculation formula of performance indicates was obtained. Witness software was used to simulate the model, and the result showed that the utilization rate of devices was increased greatly after implementing Kanban production system; the amount inventory of Work-in-Process was reduced, the production rate of assembly system was increased and the average delay time of unsatisfied orders was shortened. The influence of safety factor and variation coefficient on performance indicators of Kanban production system was analyzed, thus the different environmental adaptability of kanban strategy was mastered.

Key words: Kanban production system, Petri nets, Markov process, performance indicator, engine assembly line, Witness simulation, modeling

摘要: 针对某发动机车间总装线传统生产系统生产效率低下等问题,研究了该生产线在精益生产模式下看板系统的建模与仿真技术。建立了生产看板系统的Petri网模型,并转换为与其等价的Markov过程,得出绩效指标计算公式。利用工业物流仿真软件Witness进行仿真求解,得出该车间实施看板生产系统后设备利用率提高、在制品库存减少、系统生产率增加和订单平均等待时间减少的结论。进一步分析了安全系数和变异系数变化时对看板生产系统绩效指标的影响,从而掌握看板策略对不同环境的适应性。

关键词: 看板生产系统, Petri网, Markov过程, 绩效指标, 发动机总装线, Witness仿真, 建模

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