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Order splitting for automated picking system based on parallel picking strategy

WU Ying-ying, WU Yao-hua   

  1. School of Control Science and Engineering, Shandong University, Jinan 250061, China
  • Online:2012-10-15 Published:2012-10-25



  1. 山东大学 控制科学与工程学院,山东济南250061

Abstract: To reduce the idle time and the order fulfillment time, the original order was split in multiple sub-orders, and the mathematical model of order splitting was built based on parallel picking strategy.The optimization objective of this model was to reduce the idle time through split the original orders. The necessary conditions for splitting orders were proposed to solve the model. On this basis, the heuristics algorithm for order splitting was designed. The simulation result showed that the algorithm could reduce the order fulfillment time by 14.39%~15.62%.

Key words: automated picking system, parallel picking, order splitting, order fulfillment time, heuristic algorithms

摘要: 为减少等待时间,进一步减少整个订单的拣选时间,将原有订单拆分为多个子订单,并建立基于并行拣选的订单拆分数学模型,该模型的优化目标是通过对订单进行拆分来减少等待时间。为求解模型,提出订单拆分必要条件。在此基础上设计了启发式禁忌订单拆分算法。仿真结果显示,采用启发式算法可使拣选时间缩短14.39%~15.62%。

关键词: 自动拣选系统, 并行拣选, 订单拆分, 拣选时间, 启发式算法

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