• Article •    

Collaboration processes construction and customization in cloud manufacturing PaaS platform

CUI Li-zhen, LIU Shi-jun   

  1. 1.Computer Science and Technology School, Shandong University, Jinan 250100, China;2.Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Software Engineering, Jinan 250101, China
  • Online:2012-10-15 Published:2012-10-25



  1. 1.山东大学 计算机科学与技术学院,山东济南250101;2.山东省软件工程重点实验室,山东济南250101

Abstract: To realize specialized division and socialized collaboration of industry, many collaboration processes among partners were existed in cloud manufacturing service system. Collaboration process' characteristics such as multi-participant, long chain and flexibility posed many challenges on process modeling, customization, construction and implementation of collaborative technology. Therefore, a Cloud Manufacturing Platform as a Service (CM-PaaS) platform architecture was designed, and the collaboration process construction as well as customization method based on CM-PaaS platform were proposed. The verification algorithm of customization was also given. On this basis, the meta collaborative subject and features were defined by operators. ISVs defined collaborative subject and features with delivering manufacturing services to the platform, manufacturing enterprises could tenant manufacturing services and customize the specific collaborative subject and features. Through cases analysis, the proposed platform and method were proved to construct various collaborative applications easily and meet the large scale collaborative demand in cloud manufacturing service system.

Key words: cloud manufacturing, platform as a service, collaboration process, customization

摘要: 云制造服务体系为实现产业专业化分工和社会化协作,存在大量合作伙伴之间的协同过程。协同过程普遍呈现出参与者多、协同链长、灵活多变等特征,对过程建模、定制、构建与执行等协同技术提出了诸多挑战。为此提出云制造PaaS平台架构和基于云制造PaaS平台的协同过程构建与定制方法,并给出定制的验证算法。基于该平台,平台运营商首先定义元协同主体及特征,制造服务独立软件开发商在将制造服务交付到平台上的同时定义协同主体及特征,制造企业可以租赁平台上的制造服务,并定制特定协同主体和特征。通过实例分析证明,基于该平台和方法,可以支持云制造服务的开发者和企业方便地构建各种协同应用,应对云制造服务体系中的大规模业务协同需求。

关键词: 云制造, 平台即服务, 协同过程, 定制, 验证

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