• Article •    

Evaluation architecture of manufacturing execution system based on key performance indicators in process industry

ZHU Li, SU Hong-ye, SHEN Qing-hong   

  1. State key Laboratory of Industrial Control Technology, Institute of Cyber-Systems and Control, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
  • Online:2012-12-15 Published:2012-12-25



  1. 浙江大学 智能系统与控制研究所工业控制技术国家重点实验室,浙江杭州310027

Abstract: According to the characteristics of Manufacturing Execution System (MES) in process industry, the concept and evaluation architecture of key Performance Indicators (KPI) for MES were studied. The corresponding and normalized KPIs were given from the main operation aspects of production, quality, inventory, maintenance and energy in process industry. The evaluation architecture was applied to guide the energy consumption in petrochemical industry, and the effective evaluation for comprehensive energy consumption of process industry was realized.

Key words: key performance indicators, manufacturing execution system, comprehensive energy consumption, evaluation

摘要: 面向流程行业,根据制造执行系统的具体特点引入关键性能指标,提出了流程行业制造执行系统的关键性能指标概念定义和评价体系,从流程行业中的生产、质量、库存、维护和能源五大运行部分给出了相应的规范化关键性能指标。通过该评估体系用于实际指导石化行业能源消耗的应用实例,实现了对流程行业综合能耗的有效评估。

关键词: 关键性能指标, 制造执行系统, 综合能耗, 评价

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