• Article •    

Retailer competition based on strategic consumer behavior and improved design

QI Er-shi, CAO Guo-zhao   

  1. School of Management, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China
  • Online:2012-12-15 Published:2012-12-25



  1. 天津大学 管理学院,天津300072

Abstract: Based on strategic consumer behavior, the value of fast-fashion improved design in retailers competition was studied. Through analyzing the asymmetric competition between traditional retailers and retailers with improved design capability, and game between retailers and strategic consumers, the equilibrium price decision of retailers was obtained. In the case of existing strategic consumer behavior, the impact of improved design on inventory and profit of retailers were developed. The research result showed that when the incremental cost of improved design was small, the value of improved design could be amplified by strategic consumer behavior; otherwise, the value of improved design could be reduced. Moreover, with strategic consumer behavior, retailers could make the profit increase maximally by introducing improved design with lower cost when the demand variance was high.

Key words: fast-fashion, improved design, supply chains, strategic consumer behavior, retailer competition

摘要: 考虑顾客战略行为,研究了快速时尚改进设计在销售商竞争中的价值。通过分析传统销售商与改进设计销售商之间的非对称竞争,以及销售商和战略顾客间的博弈,得出销售商的均衡价格,从而研究存在顾客战略行为的情况下,改进设计对销售商库存和利润的影响。研究结果表明,改进设计增量成本较小时,顾客战略行为会放大改进设计的价值,反之会缩小改进设计的价值;在存在顾客战略行为的情况下,当市场需求波动较大时,销售商以低成本引入改进设计,可使其利润得到最大提升。

关键词: 快速时尚, 改进设计, 供应链, 顾客战略行为

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