• Article •    

Batch tracing model based on n-dimensional affine space

HUANG Xue-wen1,MA Xue-li1+,CAO De-bi2   

  1. 1.Faculty of Management and Economics, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116030, China; 2.Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University, Tokyo 108-8345, Japan
  • Received:2013-04-25 Revised:2013-04-25 Online:2013-04-25 Published:2013-04-25


黄学文1, 马雪丽1+, 曹德弼2   

  1. 1.大连理工大学 管理与经济学部,辽宁大连116030;2.日本庆应义塾大学 理工学院,日本东京108-8345

Abstract: To satisfy the batch tracing requirements of manufacturing processes in discrete manufacturing enterprises, a batch tracing model based on n-dimensional affine space was proposed. In the model, each batch was regarded as a point in a unique n-dimensional affine space, and each batch was in the sole affine space by standard. The assembly process from batches of parts to the batch of final product was mapped into the process of linear combination of the corresponding radius vectors of the batches in the affine space. Batch constitution and batch relationship were explicitly represented by the radius vector coordinate of batch in affine space. The forward and backward tracing were conducted in specified spaces instead of the massive data retrieval by traditional recording method of batch relationship. The improvement in tracing speed based on the model was illustrated by an application example.

Key words: batch, tracing, affine space, discrete manufacturing enterprises, diesel engines

摘要: 为满足离散制造企业生产过程中批次可追溯性的需求,提出基于n维仿射空间的批次跟踪模型。模型中将批次视为一个仿射空间中的点,并通过规范使得每一批次处于唯一的仿射空间,将零部件批次加工组装至最终产品批次的过程映射为批次在仿射空间中对应向径的线性组合过程,通过批次在仿射空间中的向径坐标更清楚地表达批次构成和批次关系。批次的前向和后向跟踪在特定的仿射空间中进行,避免了传统方式跟踪过程中大量的数据检索。通过应用实例说明该模型在批次跟踪搜索性能等方面得到了提高。

关键词: 批次, 跟踪, 仿射空间, 离散制造业, 柴油机

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