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Normal Vector solving algorithm based on adaptive searching for measuring points

YU Jian-feng1,XIN Bo1,ZHENG Tang-jie2   

  1. 1.Key Laboratory of Contemporary Design and Integrated Manufacturing Technology, Ministry of Education Northwest Polytechnic University, Xi an 710072, China;2.Final Assembly Plant,Jiangxi Hongdu Aviation Industry Co.,Ltd., Nanchang 330024, China
  • Received:2013-04-25 Revised:2013-04-25 Online:2013-04-25 Published:2013-04-25



  1. 1.西北工业大学 现代设计与集成制造技术教育部重点实验室,陕西西安710072;2.江西洪都航空工业股份有限公司 飞机总装厂,江西南昌330024

Abstract: To improve the normal vectors solution accuracy of drilling points on aircraft panels, a normal vector solving algorithm based on optimizing the distribution of measuring points was proposed. According to the geometrical properties of aircraft panels, two parametric curves of each drilling point were extracted from the panel theoretical model. The two parametric curves were sampled uniformly and the curvature was calculated. Subsequently, the curvature was integrated and divided equally by the integral unit. Through iteration method, 6 measuring points on the two parametric curves were searched which guaranteed the measuring points non-uniformly spaced adapting to the changes of curvature. The measurements of the 6 measuring points with the drilling point were obtained and the normal vector of each drilling point was solved by cubic B-Spline interpolation. The algorithm was tested on aircraft aerofoil and fuselage panels, and the effectiveness of proposed algorithm was demonstrated.

Key words: aircraft panels, normal vector, theoretical model, non-uniformly spaced, B-Spline interpolation

摘要: 为提高飞机壁板钻孔点处的法矢求解精度,提出基于优化测量点位分布的法矢求解算法。根据飞机壁板类部件曲面的几何特性,利用壁板理论数学模型提取出过钻孔点的两条参数曲线,对参数曲线均匀弧长采样并求解曲率,再对曲率求积分,取积分单元对积分值等分处理,通过迭代运算搜寻出分布在两条参数曲线上的6个测量点,确保测量点适应曲率的变化变间距分布。获取钻孔点及6个测量点的实际测量值后,利用3次B样条插值法求解出钻孔点处的法矢。以某型飞机机身及机翼壁板为例,验证了算法的有效性。

关键词: 飞机壁板, 法矢, 理论数学模型, 变间距, B样条插值

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