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Artificial bees colony scheduling algorithm based on adaptive encoding method for unified batch/continuous models

ZHANG Yong-wei,WANG Lei,WU Qi-di   

  1. College of Electronics and Information Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China
  • Received:2013-03-25 Revised:2013-03-25 Online:2013-03-25 Published:2013-03-25



  1. 同济大学 电信学院,上海201804

Abstract: A unified optimization model was proposed for mixed batch/continuous process scheduling problems. The Two Stage Random Ratio method was introduced to encode the job sequence, and the production velocity was stabilized by fluctuation adjustment. The makespan criterion was amended by introducing minimum machine halt criterion to refine the criteria system of solutions. The Artificial Bees Colony algorithm was used to search the optimum solution and scheduling sequence was acquired by reverse decoding. The proposed algorithm was applied in a caustic soda production process of chemical industry, and compared with the results in literatures, which confirmed the feasibility of proposed algorithm.

Key words: production scheduling, mixed scheduling, continuous/batch, artificial bees colony algorithm, encode algorithm, evaluation criterion

摘要: 针对连续生产过程与间歇生产过程混合的生产调度问题,建立了统一优化模型。使用随机比例法对调度任务序列进行二次编码,并使用波动修正稳定设备生产效率。对最大完工时间评价准则进行修正,引入最小停机次数准则,细化解的评价层次。使用蜂群算法使种群搜索最优解,并通过逆向解码得到调度序列。将所提算法应用于化工企业烧碱生产过程,并与文献所给出的结果进行比较分析,证明了算法的有效性。

关键词: 生产调度, 混合调度, 连续批量, 蜂群算法, 编码算法, 评价准则

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