• Article •    

Product innovative solving model based on interaction of design flow and knowledge flow

YANG Kun, LI Yan+, XIONG Yan, LI Wen-qiang   

  1. School of Manufacturing Science & Engineering, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065, China
  • Received:2013-02-25 Revised:2013-02-25 Online:2013-02-25 Published:2013-02-25



  1. 四川大学 制造科学与工程学院,四川成都610065

Abstract: An innovative solving model based on the interaction of design flow and knowledge flow was proposed in order to rationally organize the design process and effectively utilize design knowledge during the stage of conceptual design, and to encourage designers to produce creative design scheme. Based on the different features and different supporting functions of various design factors, such as function, behavior, and structure, design flow oriented to diversified design, adaptive design and original design was established. Knowledge flow including function knowledge, behavior knowledge, and structure knowledge was established based on the design flow. Different goals of design were realized by the multi-level reciprocating mapping under the interactions of design flow and knowledge flow. Corresponding function modules were developed based on the Innovative Design Service Platform developed by the research group. An innovative design process of a coffee machine was completed to verify the validity of the model.

Key words: innovative design, design flow, knowledge flow, solving model, product design

摘要: 为在概念设计阶段合理组织设计过程并有效利用设计知识,激励设计者策略化地产生创新设计方案,提出一种基于设计流与知识流交互的产品创新求解模型。根据功能、行为、结构等设计要素的不同特点及对设计过程的不同支持作用,建立了面向多样性设计、适应性设计和原创性设计的设计流;基于设计流构建了由功能知识、行为知识和结构知识构成的知识流,通过设计流与知识流的多层次往复映射实现不同的设计目标。基于课题组创新设计服务平台开发了相应功能模块,并完成了对咖啡机的创新设计过程,验证了该求解模型的有效性。

关键词: 创新设计, 设计流, 知识流, 求解模型, 产品设计

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