• Article •    

Research on process model of product design based on path searching

HU Cong-lin, RONG Zhi-jun, CHEN Kui-sheng, DAN Bin-bin   

  1. School of Mechanics and Automation, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430081, China
  • Received:2013-02-25 Revised:2013-02-25 Online:2013-02-25 Published:2013-02-25



  1. 武汉科技大学 机械自动化学院, 湖北武汉430081

Abstract: The process model could reduce the degree of coupling between the product design tasks and number of iterations of the design process. Thereby it effectively improved the design efficiency and reduced design costs.Characteristics of product design process model were analyzed firstly. The directed graph was introduced to describe the relationship among design tasks based on analysis. The model of product design process was established based on path search. By transforming the dependencies between the design tasks into relationship matrix, element path in the matrix was searched to reorganize and optimize the design tasks. The hierarchical relationships among design tasks were achieved. The model of product design process was implemented by using C++ language. Finally, the QTZ80H tower crane boom was used as an example to illustrate the process model. The results suggested that this method could effectively determine the coupling between the hierarchies, solve iterations of design tasks and optimize the design process.

Key words: product design, process model, path searching, coupling, hierarchy

摘要: 为了有效地提高设计效率、降低设计成本,分析了产品设计过程模型的特点,同时引入有向图描述设计任务之间的关系;提出了基于路径搜索的设计过程建模方法,把设计任务之间的依赖关系转化为关系矩阵,通过在矩阵中搜索元素路径来重组优化设计任务,进而得出设计任务之间的层次关系,并应用C++语言对该算法进行编码实现;以QTZ80H型塔式起重机吊臂为例,说明了基于路径搜索的产品设计过程建模的整个流程,计算结果表明,该方法可以有效确定设计任务之间的耦合层次关系,解决设计任务的迭代问题,优化设计过程。

关键词: 产品设计, 过程建模, 路径搜索, 耦合, 层次关系

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