• Article •    

Knowledge retrieval model and implementation for product innovative design

TU Jian-wei, LI Yan+, LI Wen-qiang, XIONG Yan   

  1. School of Manufacturing Science & Engineering, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065, China
  • Received:2013-02-25 Revised:2013-02-25 Online:2013-02-25 Published:2013-02-25



  1. 四川大学 制造科学与工程学院,四川成都610065

Abstract: Aiming at shortages of Chinese knowledge retrieval in the computer-aided product innovation system, a knowledge retrieval method based on coreference index was proposed. Three-layer mapping structure “coreference index function ontology-design knowledge” was put forward to represent design knowledge, and then guided by coreference index, face-to-face knowledge architecture was established with retrieval ontology as the core. Through analyzing designers searching intentions which described with natural language, retrieval verbal noun word pairs were obtained. Using similarity weight between conceptual terms calculated by mutual information technology, function ontology complying with retrieval intention was matched and design knowledge was retrieved with constructed functional basis. Finally, an example in Knowledge Retrieval Prototype System was used to reveal the feasibility of retrieval method.

Key words: knowledge retrieval, innovative design, coreference index, mutual information, product design

摘要: 针对计算机辅助创新系统在中文知识检索方面的不足,提出一种基于共指关系扩展的知识检索方法。采用“共指关系索引—检索本体—设计知识”三层映射结构表达设计知识,形成一种以检索本体为组织核心、以共指关系索引为引导的面对面的知识结构体系。通过解析设计者以自然语言表达的检索意图,得到检索动名词词对,利用互信息技术计算概念术语间的相似度权重,匹配到符合检索意图的功能本体,调用已构建好的功能基索引检索设计知识。通过开发的知识检索原型系统中的检索示例验证了该方法的可行性。

关键词: 知识检索, 创新设计, 共指关系索引, 互信息, 产品设计

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