• Article •    

Computer-aided innovative system of mechanical products based on patent knowledge

QIU Qing-ying, XUE Chi, JI Yu, FENG Pei-en   

  1. State Key Laboratory of CAD&CG,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310027,China
  • Received:2013-02-25 Revised:2013-02-25 Online:2013-02-25 Published:2013-02-25



  1. 浙江大学 CAD&CG国家重点实验室,浙江杭州310027

Abstract: To assist designers to conduct innovative design with patent knowledge, a computer aided innovative (CAI) process based on patent knowledge was proposed for mechanical products. The realization strategy of several key techniques was discussed, including the patent retrieval, patent preprocessing, patent knowledge extraction and patent knowledge aided innovation technique. The patents which were conducive to generate the innovation could be acquired from online patent database through association-rule-based patent retrieval technique and the patent preprocessing technique which was based on classification algorithm and innovative evaluation method. Through extracting patent knowledge and combining with heuristic rules, a heuristic environment was constructed to stimulate innovations from designers. The CAI system of mechanical products based on patent knowledge was developed. The innovative design of a hydraulic cylinder with the structure of magnetic self-locking was illustrated to prove the effectiveness of the system.

Key words: innovative design, patent knowledge, heuristic, innovation system, product design

摘要: 为利用专利中丰富的知识辅助设计师进行创新设计,提出基于专利知识的机械产品辅助创新设计的流程,探讨了流程中专利检索、专利预处理、专利知识提取、专利知识辅助创新等关键技术的实现策略。通过基于关联规则法的专利检索技术以及基于分类算法和创新性评估方法的专利预处理技术,可以针对性地获取有利于辅助创新设计的专利。通过提取专利知识结合启发规则构建专利创新设计的启发环境,可以有效激发设计师的创新思维产生创新方案。研发了基于专利知识的机械产品辅助创新设计系统,以具有磁力自锁的液压油缸创新设计实例,验证了系统的实用性。

关键词: 创新设计, 专利知识, 启发, 创新系统, 产品设计

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