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Heuristic algorithm of two-sided with multi-parallel stations assembly line balancing

ZHANG Hong-lin1,YIN Fu-peng1,2,WU Ai-hua1   

  1. 1.School of Management Shandong University, Jinan 250101, China;2.College of Management Engineering Shandong Jianzhu University, Jinan 250101, China
  • Received:2013-02-25 Revised:2013-02-25 Online:2013-02-25 Published:2013-02-25



  1. 1.山东大学 管理学院,山东济南250101;2.山东建筑大学 管理工程学院,山东济南250101

Abstract: To study the complex assembly line balancing problem, such as two-sided with multi-stations assembly line balancing problem, a mathematical model based on some assumptions to this problem was set up and a heuristic balancing algorithm was proposed. The algorithm had two phases. Phase one was to find out the operations which could be assigned to one position, corresponding to the constraint conditions in the mathematical model, and set up the set W with them. And phase two was to select and assign operations from W to the right station of the position without violating rules as precedence, position constraint and station time. All operations assignments were completed based on this cycle. Finally, a truck assembly line balancing problem was provided as example to verify the effectiveness of the algorithm.

Key words: two sided assembly line, assembly line balancing, multi-parallel station, heuristic algorithms

摘要: 针对装配线上一个位置左右两边各有多个工位的装配线平衡问题建立数学模型,提出一种启发式平衡算法。该算法分为两个阶段,阶段1从未分配的作业元素中找出能够分配给某一位置的作业,构成集合W;阶段2按照不违背作业优先关系、方位约束和工位时间不超过节拍的原则,把W中的部分或全部作业元素分配到该位置内的各工位上;依此循环,直至所有作业元素分配完毕。以某重型汽车装配翻车前的装配线平衡为例,说明了所提算法的有效性。

关键词: 双边装配线, 装配线平衡, 多工位, 启发式算法

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