• Article •    

Technology for product design knowledge push based on ontology and rough sets

JI Xiang1, GU Xin-jian1+, DAI Feng1, LE Cheng-yi1, XU Fu-yuan2   

  1. 1.Institution of Manufacturing Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China; 2.Business School, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai 200093, China
  • Received:2013-01-25 Revised:2013-01-25 Online:2013-01-25 Published:2013-01-25


吉祥1,顾新建1+, 代风1,乐承毅1,徐福缘2   

  1. 1.浙江大学 现代制造工程研究所, 浙江杭州310027; 2.上海理工大学 管理学院, 上海200093

Abstract: Due to large amount and scattered locations of design knowledge, the accuracy of knowledge push and efficiency of utilizing design knowledge were often low in product design process. Aiming at these problems, a knowledge push approach based on ontology and rough sets was proposed. The knowledge activity in product design process was analyzed, and the ontology models of product design task and knowledge were established. On the basis of ontology models, knowledge push rules were extracted from design knowledge using log by using rough sets and information technologies. Combined with designers'knowledge requirements, push rules were used to realize the precise knowledge pushing. An auto manufacturing enterprise was taken as the application case to verify the feasibility and effectiveness of this method.

Key words: product design, knowledge push, ontology, rough sets

摘要: 针对产品设计过程中因产品设计知识数量过多、位置分散而导致的知识推送精度不高、利用效率低下的问题,提出基于本体和粗糙集的设计知识推送方法。分析了产品设计过程中的知识活动,建立了产品设计任务和设计知识的本体模型;在本体模型的基础上,利用粗糙集和信息技术从知识使用日志中抽取了知识推送规则;结合设计人员的知识需求,依据知识推送规则实现了产品设计知识的精确推送。以某汽车制造企业为背景,通过应用案例验证了该方法的可行性和有效性。

关键词: 产品设计, 知识推送, 本体, 粗糙集

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