›› 2018, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (第9): 2210-2222.DOI: 10.13196/j.cims.2018.09.009

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Cat swarm simulated annealing algorithm for disassembly line balancing problem under tool constraints


  • Online:2018-09-30 Published:2018-09-30
  • Supported by:
    Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation,China(No.51205328,51675450),the Youth Foundation for Humanities and Social Sciences of Ministry of Education,China(No.18YJC630255).



  1. 西南交通大学机械工程学院
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Aiming at the shortcoming that disassembly tool was ignored,a multi-objective disassembly line balancing problem mathematics model which contained minimum tools change number and considered tools changing factors in working was proposed,and a multi-objective cat swarm simulated annealing algorithm was designed to solve it.The dispersed tracking model based on sequence switching was adopted.Cat swarm optimization algorithm and simulated annealing algorithm were integrated to improve the global optimization ability.To improve the operating efficiency and ensure the diversity of external file effectively,crowded distance filtering was introduced.The elitism strategy was adopted to speed up the convergence rate of the algorithm.The effectiveness and high efficiency of the proposed algorithm were verified by testing existing examples and comparing with other algorithms.The proposed model and algorithm were adopted to design the disassembly line of a model printer,and the result provided a lot of balancing programs for the policymakers.

Key words: disassembly line balancing, multi-objective optimization, Pareto solution set, cat swarm optimization algorithm, simulated annealing algorithm

摘要: 针对已有研究中忽略拆卸工具的不足,基于多目标拆卸线平衡模型,考虑了作业过程中的工具更换因素,建立了包含最小化工具更换次数的多目标拆卸线平衡问题数学模型,并设计了一种多目标猫群模拟退火算法进行求解。提出基于序列交换的离散跟踪模式;将猫群优化算法与模拟退火算法相结合,以增强算法的全局寻优能力;引入拥挤距离筛选,提高算法运行效率的同时有效的保证外部档案集的多样性;采用精英保留策略加速算法的收敛。通过对已有算例进行求解,并与其他算法对比分析,验证了所提算法的有效性和高效性。最后,将所提模型和算法应用于某型号打印机拆卸线的设计,为决策者提供了多种平衡方案。

关键词: 拆卸线平衡, 多目标优化, Pareto解集, 猫群优化算法, 模拟退火算法

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