›› 2018, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (第9): 2270-2278.DOI: 10.13196/j.cims.2018.09.014

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Modeling of economic production quantity and condition-based maintenance policy for complex production system


  • Online:2018-09-30 Published:2018-09-30
  • Supported by:
    Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation,China(No.71661016,71471135).



  1. 1.同济大学机械与能源工程学院
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: A joint model of production lot sizing and condition-based maintenance for a complex production system was proposed.Aiming at the differences of fault mechanism between components,Weibull distribution and gamma process was used to model the life and the deterioration process for different components.To evaluate the conditions of components,the inspections were carried out after each production run.Based on predictive reliability and structural importance of each component,the condition-based maintenance decision-making rule was formulated.By taking the production lot size and the preventive maintenance threshold as the 2D decision variables,a total cost mathematical model in finite time horizon was built with the assumption that the preventive maintenance was imperfect.Based on Monte Carlo simulation technique,an optimization algorithm was devised to solve the problem.The proposed model was illustrated through a case study and some comparative experiments were conducted.

Key words: multi-component system, economic production quantity, condition-based maintenance, structural importance measure, Monte Carlo simulation

摘要: 为解决复杂生产系统的生产与维护联合优化问题,对经济生产批量和视情维护策略进行了联合建模。针对系统中不同部件劣化故障机理的不同,分别利用Weibull分布与Gamma过程对部件寿命与劣化过程进行刻画。在每个生产批量结束后对各部件进行检测,评估其可靠性。以部件可靠性和结构重要度为依据制定视情维护策略。假设预防维护是修复非新,以生产批量大小和预防维护参数为二维决策变量,建立了有限时间域内系统总费用的数学模型。借助蒙特卡洛仿真技术,设计了模型求解优化算法。通过一个实例演示了该模型,并进行了相关对比实验分析。实验结果显示,所提维护策略较传统的部件独立维护策略和单一整体维护策略在减少生产系统运行总成本方面具有明显优势。

关键词: 多部件系统, 经济生产批量, 视情维护, 部件结构重要度, 蒙特卡洛仿真

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