›› 2019, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (第8): 2036-2044.DOI: 10.13196/j.cims.2019.08.018

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Design of service-oriented personalized products based on genetic algorithm


  • Online:2019-08-31 Published:2019-08-31
  • Supported by:
    Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation,China(No.51775172),and the Key Scientific and Technological Project of  Luoyang City,China(No.1801006A).



  1. 河南科技大学机电工程学院/机械装备先进制造河南省协同创新中心
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Aiming at the difficulty for users accurately obtained the demands of personalized products,a personalized design method for service-oriented products based on Genetic Algorithm (GA) was proposed,which could extract user's original intention data precisely by service-oriented manufacturing platform and classify the original data through the preference setting of service-oriented manufacturing platform,thus user's desired product models were obtained.Taking the product fitness value as the satisfaction index,an approximate virtual target product with stable fitness value was generated with genetic algorithm through 502 iterations of service-oriented objective function.Through the interaction between users and service platform,users could participate in the customization,post-maintenance,upgrade and recycling of the final product in each service link,so as to meet the user's service needs precisely in the product life cycle.The example of the precision design showed that the method could serve users better in meeting the personalized demands accurately.

Key words: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51775172), 洛阳市重大科技专项资助项目(1801006A)。

摘要: 针对目前用户难以准确获取个性化产品需求的问题,提出一种基于遗传算法的服务型个性化产品设计方法。该方法利用服务型平台精准获取用户原始意愿数据,通过服务型制造平台偏好设置对原始数据进行分类细化,使用户获得符合其初始期望的产品模型。以初始产品适应度值为满意度指标,利用遗传算法对服务型目标函数迭代502次产生稳定适应度值的近似虚拟目标产品。通过与服务平台交互,使用户参与到最终产品的定制、后期维修、更新升级及回收入库等每个服务环节中,从而满足用户在产品全生命周期中每个环节的精准服务需求。通过用户产品设计实例表明,该方法能更精准地满足用户个性化需求。

关键词: 精准设计, 遗传算法, 用户参与, 服务设计平台, 产品设计

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