• Article •    

Design of integrated platform for collaborative production of telecommunication industry based on e-

HU Xiang-dong   

  1. Inst. of Automation, Chongqing Univ. of Posts and Telecoms., Chongqing400065, China
  • Online:2004-09-15 Published:2004-09-25



  1. 重庆邮电学院自动化学院,重庆400065

Abstract: To realize the logistics informationization in the modern telecommunication industry, the e-stamp system oriented to logistics-informationization was initially proposed. The integrated platform for collaborative production of telecommunication industry based on e-stamps was designed. The integrated platform includes the general frameworks of technologies, integration and operation model, as well as the framework of the integrated platform. The key technologies involved in system were analyzed such as building the logistics informationization model of e-stamp based on 2D-barcode technology, the sales model of e-stamp over Internet based on the surging cryptography algorithm, the software balance model used in weighing and charging automatically, and the routing and scheduling model for logistics operations. The integrated platform for collaborative production of telecommunication industry based on e-stamps is helpful for the implementation of logistics informationization and omni-net collaborative production of telecommunication industry, and it stands for improving service capability of telecommunication industry and taking part in logistics delivery operations of e-commerce.

Key words: e-stamp, e-commerce, logistics informationization, collaborative production, integrated platform

摘要: 为实现现代邮政行业的物流信息化,首次提出了面向物流信息化的电子邮票系统,对基于电子邮票的邮政协同式生产集成平台进行了设计,包括电子邮票系统总体技术框架、系统集成框架、系统运行模式和基于电子邮票的邮政协同式生产集成平台框架;就如何建立基于二维条形码技术的电子邮票物流信息化模型、基于新型密码算法的电子邮票网络销售模型、能实现自动称重计费的软件秤模型和物流配送优化调度层次模型等系统关键技术进行了分析。基于电子邮票的邮政协同式生产集成平台顺应了邮政企业信息化战略,有助于物流信息化和邮政物流全网协同式生产的实现,为其提高服务能力、参与电子商务物流配送等提供了条件和技术保障。

关键词: 电子邮票, 电子商务, 物流信息化, 协同式生产

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