›› 2020, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (6): 1582-1588.DOI: 10.13196/j.cims.2020.06.015

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Cost-aware and privacy-aware workflow scheduling strategy in hybrid clouds


  • Online:2020-06-30 Published:2020-06-30
  • Supported by:
    Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation,China(No.61402167,61772193,61572187),the Natural Science Foundation of Hunan Province,China(No.2017JJ4036,2018JJ2139),and the Open Foundation of Hunan Provincial Education Department Innovation Platform,China(No.17K033).



  1. 1.湖南科技大学知识处理与网络化制造湖南省普通高校重点实验室
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: With the advent of big data era,many companies have built their application systems in hybrid clouds.Aiming at the shortcoming of no consideration for privacy protection requirements among tasks in  existing scheduling methods of cloud workflow normally,a model for cost-aware and privacy-aware workflow scheduling in hybrid clouds was constructed,and a corresponding scheduling strategy name CPHC was proposed.It could meet the privacy protection requirements under the deadline constraint,and reduce the cost and risks of privacy exposure involved in the execution of workflows.The result of simulation experiments showed the effectiveness of the proposed method.

Key words: hybrid cloud, workflow, privacy, cost, scheduling

摘要: 随着大数据时代的到来,大量企业采用混合云部署应用系统。针对现有云工作流调度方法未考虑工作流多个任务间隐私保护需求的不足,构建了混合云环境下成本与隐私感知的工作流调度模型,并提出一种相应的云工作流调度算法(CPHC)。该算法可在混合云环境下调度多个云工作流应用,并在满足隐私暴露风险与截止时间约束的前提下,优化执行成本。最后,通过仿真实验说明了所提算法的有效性。

关键词: 混合云, 工作流, 隐私, 成本, 调度

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