Computer Integrated Manufacturing System ›› 2022, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (11): 3325-3339.DOI: 10.13196/j.cims.2022.11.001

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Deadlock-free dispatching method for multiple-load automatic guided vehicle system

XIAO Haining1,LOU Peihuang2,WU Xing2,ZHAI Jingjing2,HU Ya2,ZHAO Bin1   

  1. 1.College of Mechanical Engineering,Yancheng Institute of Technology
    2.College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
  • Online:2022-11-30 Published:2022-12-08
  • Supported by:
    Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation,China (No.52005427,61973154),the “Qinglan Project” Funding in Jiangsu Provincial Universities,China(No.2022),the National Defense Basic Scientific Research Program,China (No.JCKY2018605C004),and the Natural Science Foundation of the Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions,China(No.19KJB510013,18KJA460009).



  1. 1.盐城工学院机械工程学院
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Aiming at the dispatching problem of multi-load Automatic Guided Vehicle (AGV) for vehicle assembly auxiliary material distribution,a dispatching mathematical model was established to minimize the material distribution distance and maximize the remaining time for the assembly line to enter the shutdown state,and a fast elitist Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA-Ⅱ) based deadlock- free dispatching method was proposed.Several heuristic rules for generating high-quality individuals were designed to improve the quality of the initial population.An individual decoding decision process combining look-ahead prediction mechanism and deadlock- free strategy was designed to determine the deadlock- free dispatching scheme.To accelerate the convergence of non-dominated frontier,a population evolution mechanism with elite retention strategy and neighborhood search was designed.Several simulation experiments were carried out to verify the proposed method.The simulation results showed that the proposed dispatching method could obtain higher productivity with lower task execution time than other methods.

Key words: multiple-load automated guided vehicle system, dispatching method, fast elitist non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm, deadlock- free, neighborhood search

摘要: 针对车辆装配制造应用环境中的辅料配送多载量自动导引车系统(AGVS)任务调度问题,建立了以最小化任务配送路程和最大化待料停产剩余时间为综合优化目标的任务调度数学模型,提出于基于改进带精英策略的非支配排序遗传算法(NSGA-Ⅱ)的防死锁任务调度方法。首先,构建了多个用于产生优质个体的启发式规则,以提升NSGA-Ⅱ初始种群的质量;设计了结合前瞻性预测机制和防死锁策略的个体解码决策流程,以决策出满足所有约束条件的防死锁任务调度方案;然后,为了加速非支配前沿向更优方向收敛,设计了带精英保留策略与邻域搜索的种群进化机制;最后,通过仿真实验对所提方法进行了验证。仿真结果表明:与其他方法相比,所提出的防死锁任务调度方法,能够以较低的任务执行时间获得更高的内饰装配线产能。

关键词: 多载量自动导引车系统, 任务调度方法, 带精英策略的非支配排序遗传算法, 防死锁, 邻域搜索

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