Computer Integrated Manufacturing System ›› 2024, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (9): 3288-3298.DOI: 10.13196/j.cims.2023.0542

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Interval intuitionistic fuzzy multi-attribute group decision-making based on herd behavior and empathy relationship

SU Jiafu1,2,WANG Dan1,ZHANG Fengting1,XU Baojian1,DU Yupei3+   

  1. 1.National Research Base of Intelligent Manufacturing Service,Chongqing Technology and Business University
    2.International College,Krirk University
    3.School of Management,Yunnan Normal University
  • Online:2024-09-30 Published:2024-10-09
  • Supported by:
    Project supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Chongqing Municipality,China(No.CSTB2022NSCQ-MSX0478),the Chongqing Municipal Education Science “14th Five-Year Plan” Annual Project,China(No.2021-GX-343),and the Chongqing Municipal Education Commissions Humanities and Social Science Research Projects,China(No.20SKGH110).



  1. 1.重庆工商大学智能制造服务国际科技合作基地
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Abstract: In real-world group decision-making,decision makers often exhibit herd behavior due to incomplete information or the risk of social exclusion,and at the same time perceive the emotions of others through the affective empathy effect and incorporate their perspectives into their decisions.To expand the research scope and application field of group decision-making,a multi-attribute group decision-making method was proposed,which revealed the influence law of herd behavior and empathy relationship on group decision-making.A sequential decision analysis framework was constructed to effectively express the mechanism by which the decision makers herd behavior influenced the group decision.Subsequently,an empathy network was introduced to define information on three aspects of decision maker's empathic relationship,evocative power and knowledge competence,which in turn explored the effect of these factors in the decision-making process.The herd relationship in the assessment phase combined empathy relationship,evocative power and knowledge competence;the decision-maker weights in the assembly phase were influenced by evocative power,while the point-in-time weights were determined by knowledge competence;in the consensus phase,empathy relationship was utilized to make suggestions for opinion adjustments.Finally,an example study illustrated that the proposed method was able to achieve reliable and stable results and was more efficient in reaching group consensus compared to traditional group decision-making methods.

Key words: multi-attribute group decision making, consensus building, herd behavior, empathy relationship, interval intuitionistic fuzzy sets, sequential decision making

摘要: 在现实群决策中,决策者常因信息不完全或社会排斥风险而表现出从众行为,同时通过情感移情效应感知他人情感,并将其观点纳入决策之中。但目前群决策研究鲜少考虑从众行为与移情关系的因素。为了拓展群决策的研究范畴和应用领域,提出一种多属性群决策方法,揭示了从众行为和移情关系对群决策的影响规律。首先,构建一个序贯决策分析框架,有效表达决策者从众行为对群决策的影响机制。随后,引入移情网络,对决策者的移情关系、感召力和知识能力三方面信息进行界定,进而探讨这些因素在决策过程中的作用效果。评估阶段的从众关系综合考虑了移情关系、感召力和知识能力;集结阶段的决策者权重受到感召力的影响,而时间点权重则由知识能力决定;在共识阶段,利用移情关系提出意见调整建议。最后通过实例研究说明,所提方法能够取得可靠且稳定的结果,并且相较于传统群决策方法,能更为高效地达成群体共识。

关键词: 多属性群决策, 共识达成, 从众行为, 移情关系, 区间直觉模糊集, 序贯决策

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